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  • Writer's pictureSam Rasmin

🇬🇧 NEW UK RELEASES 🇬🇧 | 26/04/2024

Here's a list of all the latest releases that have just dropped in the UK...

Aitch - Famous Girl

Young T & Bugsey - Rio Grande

Rushy - Koko Krazy

Rv - Fresh Prince Of Tottenham 2

DC & Blanco - The Curb

BERYWN - Neighbours

D Double E - Lyrics Galore

Kwengface ft. Snoop - GBG (Always Us)

Ezra Collective - Ajala

Jords - Marley Flow

Elmiene - Sweetness

163Margs - Superstar


Mabel - Vitamins

Dimzy (67) - Dim The Lights 2

Cat Burns - End Game

JAY1 - Respectfully

Mazza_l20 & 163Margs - Hokus Pokus

Chiedu Oraka - Misfit

Cole LC - Wingman

Shivani Day - Rhetoric

Be sure to follow us on social media for all of the latest updates!


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